http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-III).03      10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-III).03      Published : Sep 3
Authored by : Rukhsar , Gul Khanda

03 Pages : 16-27


    The study is an exploration of Hawthorne’ The Scarlet Letter (1851) using feminist lens. The present study seeks to investigate the women sufferings in the character of Hester Prynne in the novel The Scarlet Letter (1851). Moreover, the study also aims to explore the factors of women sufferings in the light of Morgan’s theory of Radical feminism (1992). The sttudy is qualitative in nature. Textual analysis is done to see the sufferings of Hester and the factors contributing to women sufferings. Findings of the present study indicate that woman suffered with their status in the society and the physical state of mind that is not accepted by the patriarchal society. Hawthorn’s novel The Scarlet Letter (1851) had depicted the real picture of women sufferings in a male dominated society and also the factors that led women towards suppression

    Key Words

    Feminism, Radical Feminism, Patriarchy, Self-identity


    Women around the world face a lot of difficulties because of slavery. In many countries they are viewed just as a “Slaves and Servant” and give them low value compare to men in the society. While many religions of other cultural values are cause of woman sufferings, where culture demands female in all age just to gave birth. Women are suffered due to lack of social rights in the community. Radical feminism be in opposition to patriarchy not male dominated, it justify as a societal organization, in which the father is the head of the children, and male have power female and family, Radical feminists consider that patriarchy is used, to suppress female, in opposition to accessing, the political and social association, and culture changing is based on patriarchy. Radical means going to the origin, this is applied to define that kind of feminism, which they consider, on that “patriarchy” is the “Root” of the troubles. Mackay (2015) defined Radical feminism as interchange of the patriarchy system, which means that all women oppressed and suppressed by men where they are not give same position in the society. Holly Graff (1970) defined Radical feminism as the type of feminism which is traditionally based on female oppression, and also it is a kind of model that increases the psychology and many other forms of oppression which is based on “class and race”. Becker (1999) explained Radical feminism as the process of removing the patriarchy system and also the act that destroys the male power in the society.

    The present study examined the sufferings of women in the character of Hester Prynne and to explore the factors of women sufferings in the light of feminism, the study is subjective in its nature, so the researcher applied the qualitative approach. The research closed out in textual analysis through the lines of novel.

    Problem Statement

    Present study finds out the gap of women sufferings in the light of feminism that has not been done from this perspective. Therefore, the researcher tried to explore the major factors that affect women’s identity and the influence of her existence in patriarchal society.

    Research Questions

    1.        What are the sufferings of women in the character of Hester Prynne?

    2.       What are the factors of women sufferings in the light of feminism?

    Significance of the Study

    The significance of this study is to investigate the sufferings of women in the character of Hester Prynne and also to explore the factors of women sufferings in the light of feminism. The study also helps the researcher to kwon about the critical study of the Hester Prynne in “The Scarlet Letter” through the lanes of feminism.

    Literature Review

    The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne has been studied through different perspectives as it is evident from the studies. Thomson (2011) in his work “A Moral Wilderness by  Hawthorne novel The Scarlet Letter’’ he examined Nathaniel’s way which he depicted the puritan culture through his novel The Scarlet Letter in which he has shown the sin and its redemption through the character of Hester and Dimmesdale and the result of adultery as pearl. He has used the letter “A” as a symbol of sin for Hester’s which he stated that redemption based on self-realization that can be seen in the character of Hester through her own savior, which she struggled against the puritan culture. Which Hester stood alone on scaffold front of all Puritan society for her punishment of adultery.  Johnson (2009) examined in her work that the women are the central figure in the works of Hawthorne the researcher focuses on the way how Hawthorne portrayed the women are symbol element in his novels to accepted them as the complex character and “multi-dimensional” beings. Johansson (2015) he shown the gender differences in Hawthorns the scarlet letter he used four main characters and differentiated these characters with the sexual appearance. The researcher used both terms “Feminism and Masculine” this study examined novel through the female characters Pearl and Hester Prynne as well the male character Dimmesdale. The researcher also explores the patriarchal system in the novel.  Hawthorne showed the Hester’s love that became the core of her life and the result of her child which sin for her. Pearl is the important in part of Hester’s passion for self-destruction for Hester Prynne was not given pearl her father’ name. In the society a child can inter only by father’s name for this mother and daughter where under the authority of puritan society. Khan et al. (2021) conducted research on The Scarlet Letter and found it the tale of the Hester who passed through three different stages. They found that how did Hester with maturity and resolution faced all the troubles in the Puritan society and achieved accomplishment.

    Baym (1949), who critics that Hester’s values take up with “the passion, freedom and self-expression”. She expressed that Hawthorne’s novel (The Scarlet Letter) is all about the woman power, writer assumed Hester Prynne to show his defiant caused and also to shows his own logic. His wish that women spokesman; he is not shown the hated aspects of women. Hawthorne expressed that fact which is revolutionary has not followed the rules forward and rebellious women who made her position in the community. Jakobsson (2017), “The Liberation of Hester Prynne” how she wearing the symbol of adultery on her bosom and the letter (A) released Hester into a new kind of womanhood. The researcher stated that Hester was being displaced from normal life as a woman punished for her sin. This study explores that the punishment of wearing The Scarlet Letter which affected Hester’s life, it gave her chance to create her own position as a woman. This paper takes a guidance from feminist theory.  “To analysis of puritan Christianity” how the punishment of wearing The Scarlet Letter as effected the Hester’s life and how it is positively affected her as a female in Puritan society where religion was very important and people were narrow minded towards the women. Hester’s pain frees her from society rules and increased her strength due to the letter (A) she lived on the outskirts of town Hester sufferings gave her to the opportunity to be self-sufficiency and made her mind. Li (2008) study examines the feminist with the critical approach through “The Scarlet Letter” the main female character of the novel which the story deals with the heroine’s emotional feelings. The significant of this paper social and psychological issues that around the protagonist Hester Prynne the key figure in the novel, and this study analyzed through the postmodern critical theory this study brought the way why women victimized by men in the society and why do not give them equal value her feminism compare to men. The feminism come up to female powerfully be in opposition to the socio spiritual and the domination more than female ordinary option of living.

    Wang (2010) explained that this paper is analysis “Hester Prynne’s feminist consciousness” Hester represents new female image in three aspects first “ Hester Prynne’s revolutionary sprit” second “ self- dependence” and third “strong mind” this analysis Hester as a new female image in the positive society, which deals equal way with man and woman. “The New Female Image” the researcher stated that Hawthorne to show the Hester “New Female Image” that changes Hester the heritage type of woman. These calibers are feminism supported which differentiate the heritage female image with feminist awareness. First “Hester revolutionary sprit” in here Hester stands alone against the society to show the “New Female Image” in Puritan society. Scaffold scenes are the structure of the novel where Hester and Pearl stand alone to show her feminism strength to Puritan society. And, also she shows her strong image front of the community to refuses the Pearls father name. Hester revolutionary sprit is that which she embroidered (A) letter for herself it is also shown the “New Female Image” of female in the community. Second “Self-independence” in puritan society women is dependent on the man but Hester stands against the society to work their own self. Hester makes relationship with Arthur Dimmesdales own choice to sex and enjoyment not for reproduction. Hester Prynne wear “The Scarlet Letter” for their own choice it is not for her obligation, Hester guilt, sadness and loneliness where she guider that made her strong “New Female Image’’.   Xue (2003) stated that Hester Prynne is a “ protective feminism” where she return New England and again she was wearing her letter (A) and she act as a revolutionary sprit woman which supported those women who suffering in the society where Hester shown female division and equivalence. Long and Eakin (1977) shows Hester is not just key figure of elegant resonant and intention, Hester all time became a most interesting and mystical female heroine in the American literary time period. 

    Research Methodology

    The current study is based on the qualitative method of research. According to Punch (1998), qualitative research is empirical method by which the data is not based on the numbers. it is a systematic process to describe different kind of problems. It is a naturalistic strategy which the researchers use to study the things with its natural settings and qualitative research involves the personal experience, visual texts, observations and explain the problematic moments. Current study is descriptive research which is the critical study of Hester Prynne in the lens of feminism through secondary source. Current study collected data from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel “The Scarlet Letter” (1851) researcher analysed textual lines from the novel according to the objectives of the study through the “Radical feminism (1992)”.

    Theoretical Framework

    The data of current study is analysed in the framework of Robin Morgan’s (1992) “Radical feminism” thematically for the purpose to answer the research questions. The statement reflects the suffering of woman because of society and male dominancy. Similarly, the objective of the study reflected with the theory as the Radical Feminism had developed in feminism’s second wave. Furthermore, in the third wave it evolved, where feminists began to examine the way sufferings affect the existence of woman, their class as a gender identity. Feminism also reflects the value of female existence in conservative societies where they are bound to the laws of patriarchal society. Similarly, Hester existence was one of the reflections from the novel. Present study was primary source which was studied on the contextual based analysis in the light of Radical Feminism (1992). The theory fundamentally stated that society it was systematically based on patriarchy where male dominated and suppressed female. Radical feminist liberate everyone and that also challenged the different societies and the norms of that society also be distracted. Radical feminist views society in a perspective way

    Textual Analysis

    The aim of this study is to examine the factors of woman sufferings in the light of feminism in “The Scarlet Letter” and also to investigate the sufferings of woman in character of Hester Prynne through the hawthorns fiction novel “The Scarlet Letter” (1851). The research analyzed the data through contextual analysis and reading the lines of Nathaniel Hawthorns novel “The Scarlet Letter” (1851) which was closely connected to the objectives of this study and to justifying the factors of woman sufferings in the light of feminism also explore the sufferings of woman in the character of Hester Prynne.

    "At the very minimum, they should have branded Hester Prynne's forehead with a hot iron. Even Hester herself would have flinched at that. I believe I deserved it." (p.42)

    Young female Hester Prynne she was leading to the town prison door with their little Pearl and in her arms with her (The Scarlet Letter) “A” on her heart. Hester was not only suffered from the punishment of her adultery but, also the hatred of the Puritan society. Hester suffered from the people regret, guilt, embarrassed that forced her to stand in front of the Puritan society on the Scaffold. And enforced her to put on the letter (A) all time as a punishment which is of adultery. The theory of feminism based on the sufferings of woman in the society. Hester continuously suffered from the community guilt because she cannot has an open relationship with her daughter Pearls father Dimmesdale, due to harsh “Puritan” community where she was suffering in the society; she wished to live happily with Dimmesdale. She lives all time alone and wears the letter A which reminder of her sin in every time.

    "Hester's disposition reveals itself to be compliant and abundant, a source of human compassion that endures every genuine challenge and is unquenchable by the greatest." Her breast, which represented shame, was merely a plush cushion for the cranium that desired one. Although she did not intend to become a Sister of Mercy, it is possible that the ponderous hand of the world had other plans for her. "When both the world and she appear to be progressing towards this outcome" (p.125-126)

    Hester Prynne was looking good with has great talent, her own rule and principles made her different from ordinary puritan people. She is powerful woman, but victimized by harsh community, she wore “The Scarlet Letter” (A) as a punishment which effected on Hester’s life how it positively impact on her as a female in the harsh Puritan society which were narrow minded towards the woman. Hester’s punishment made her free from the role society which increased her strength due to the letter (A). her sufferings gave her opportunity to be independent and she made up her own mind, as a strong woman she showed herself strongly to wear the letter (A) out of her choice but not as an obligation. She rejected the Puritan code with nobility stand alone on scaffold front of rigid community for her sin, Prynne different from Puritanism woman that showed her as feminist to refuse her baby’s father name in public. In puritan community female depended on man but, Hester stood against the society to work for their own self and made relationship with Arthur Dimmesdale for their own desire. Hester Prynne’s “Guilt, Sadness, and Loneliness” these are the guiders of her that made her strong image in the society, she showed the new female image in the world independently return New England and again she was wearing the letter (A) on her bosom act as a “Revolutionary Sprit Woman” supported those female who suffered in 17th century in (Puritan community) that Hester showed female division and equivalence in the society. “The theory is sated that the traditional reordering of the community where men supremacy are eliminated in over all societal context”.

    "Her fortune and destiny had conspired to set her free; the scarlet letter served as her signifier in areas where other women were forbidden to venture." Despair, solitude, and humiliation were the harsh and untamed ones who had shaped her character and fortified her rather than enlightening her significantly.” (p.172)

    Feminism stated that woman live independently in the society like man, similarly independent of Hester Prynne wearing The Scarlet Letter which releases into a rebellious decision for being free from social man made norms. As she was wearing for her punishment of adultery which became a sources of independence for her elements of “solitude, shame and despair”. These are the guiders and teacher of Hester Prynne which made her strong woman in the harsh Puritan society.

    "I can teach my little Pearl what I have learnt from this," said Hester Prynne, putting her finger on the scarlet sign.” (p.85)

    The mentioned lines refer to the Hester struggle of hardship which she learnt from the whole existed trouble of her life she stated that she can better teach the concept of right and wrong to her child (Pearl). That feminism also talked about the woman sufferings in society, while Hester was recalling her sufferings which she faced when she was wearing the badge of shame and adultery on her heart.

    "Women do not misbehave beyond the limits of Heaven's compassion," the priest Mr. Wilson exclaimed with even greater strictness than before. The infant possesses a remarkable vocal ability that supports and confirms the advice you have received. Utter the name that will allow you to benefit from expressing remorse and remove”. (p.41)

    The theory is talk about the male dominated society where woman oppressed by man, similarly Hester Prynne who lived in harsh and male dominated society where she suffered alone for her sin to stood in the front of all community for her adultery. The senior minister Reveren Mr. Wilson who asked her little “Pearl” and also he asked form her told me that person name who is the father of her child, but Hester refused the name of Pearls father. Senior minister, he told her if you tell me her baby father name than we removed the sigh of the letter (A) from your heart, but she did not told that person name due to this she suffered rest of her life.

    "They believed that Hester Prynne possessed an extraordinary level of strength, which ultimately led to Abel's fate." (p.126)

    These lines showed Hester’s character as a feminist, “The Scarlet Letter” (A) which is the sigh of her sin of adultery and how it changed from adultery to “Able woman”. She lived independently with letter (A) in the society and she helped those women who struggled in the harsh Puritan community, the letter (A) made her strong female character where she made her position like a strong woman in the public and feminism also pointing that gives same opportunities woman in the society like man.

    “Hester Prynne constantly experienced intense distress from the awareness of someone observing the scarlet letter on her chest. Rather than becoming desensitised, the mark seemed to become even more sensitive and agonising with each passing day. Occasionally, after long intervals or perhaps even after several months, she would sense the gaze of a human eye onto the degrading object, which provided a momentary sense of solace, as if a portion of her suffering was being understood and shared. In the following moment, the pain intensified with a more profound impact, causing her to offend once more.” (p.65)

    The following lines show that, although Hester wanted to go ahead to start a new life. But people never let her to forget her past, she was tortured by the people all time, which made her pain new day by day. Every day it seemed her that she has committed the sin today. As it’s to this the theory of feminism states that woman suffers a lot due to the society that plays a leading role in the destruction of any woman’s life.

    “Hester was deeply affected by the perplexing and mysterious enchantment that frequently created a barrier between her and the only thing she truly valued - her loving partner, who meant everything to her. As a result, Hester would occasionally burst into tears filled with intense emotion.” (p.68)

    These lines showed the effect of sufferings on Hester’s, the punishment of adultery made her life more difficult where her sin was always hitting her inner soul and heart. For this she was completely confused in her life, when she was suffered from terrible pains due to this she was crying all the time that her life sunken in darkness. The theory state’s about the sufferings of woman which they faced a lot of difficulties due to the community.

    “She removed the formal hat that constrained her hair, allowing it to cascade over her shoulders in a dark and lustrous manner. The hair had a combination of both dark and light tones, which added depth and enhanced the gentleness of her facial features. Her mouth displayed a dazzling and affectionate smile that sprang from the depths of womanhood.” (p.159)

    This statement shows the Hester Prynne as a independence female which signifies refusal of the community rules and also refused her punishment that removed her scarlet letter and, wearing of cap is necessary in Puritan society because of male dominancy. Similarly the feminist theory is states that woman oppressed by man which they suffered in the society due to male dominancy and also woman suffers due to the culture in the community.

    “She hath high-quality skill at her needle that certain remarked one of her women spectators” (p.40)

    Woman can live independently but the society does not let her live what really is required for a woman, with all her household skills where more important which she possess the art of needling which was specifically highlighted in the novel to show Hester’s self sufficiency and personal liberation, however, feminism pointed that a woman can survive by her own self, while the liberation of woman is the sign of her strong step towards the reality of the society.

    “Hester Prynne frequently dropped her work upon her knees and wept out with an anguish which she would fain have concealed but which made utterance for itself betwixt speech and a groan O Father in Heaven if Thou art still my Father what is this being which I have brought into the world”(p.72)

    While doing her hard work and facing hardships of her life Hester Prynne burst into grown and cried with the existence level of gloom. Which was stuck between the utterance of her and the pain hidden in her heart came out such as the verses or phrases in order to present her pain she uttered, that (O father) in heaven if your still my father than tell me what sort of child (Pearl), is this which I have brought in this world, which she suffered due the society. Similarly, feminism point out that woman also suffers because of community. This mentioned line refers to the existence of Pearl, when her mother “God” scare of her activates deeds.

    “Thus she will be a living sermon against sin until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone.” (p.47)

    This phrase states the sufferings of Hester Prynne, when she was in the town that time people always gossiping about her sin. And also theory is giving the reference of suffering which they state that the community is also the reason of woman sufferings. Where Hester suffered due to “The Scarlet Letter” which was causing her shame that only death can be the end of her sufferings of journey.

     "Thou shalt forgive me," Hester wailed, hurling herself to the ground alongside the fallen foliage. Deign punishment. "Thou shalt pardon"(p.152)

    This statement is to show the sufferings of Hester where she went to downward and she cried although people destroyed her inner self whereas she suffered through all community of harsh Puritan and feminism also claimed that woman sufferings one reason is society. That she punished for her sin, and always people reminded her crime for that she was feeling shame and guilt.

    "Hester Prynne had endured her initial hours of public disgrace from side to side. The identical stage or scaffold is stained black by the weather and seven years of storms and sunlight. The steps were also worn by the minister, who had ascended them from a lower rank beneath the meeting house's veranda, where numerous wrongdoers had since ascended.” (p.114)

    After seven years ago Hester Prynne again stood on same place with her Scarlet Letter (A) independently against the male dominancy, as same way feminism mentioned that woman suffers in male dominant society. Where all community was angry on her because of her sin of adultery. Which minister who has committed on her crime, she lived in that society where woman suppressed and oppressed by man.

    “Mistress Prynne will be positioned in a place where both men and women, as well as infants, may get a clear view of her impressive clothing from now until one hour after noon. May the moral colony of Massachusetts be blessed, where wickedness is exposed to the public eye. Madame Hester, please come forward and display your scarlet letter in the marketplace.” (p.40)

    These lines to showed the sufferings of Hester in male dominated society where minister called her by force on the front of all community and said her to show “The Scarlet Letter” (A) which is the symbol of her guilt, adultery and sin. For this she suffered due to the patriarchal system of Puritan, in the same way the feminists also pointing that woman’s are suffering due to the male dominancy in the society.

    "This woman has disgraced our community and should be executed. There are legal provisions, both in religious texts and in the law, that support this." Then the magistrates who have rendered it ineffective should express gratitude if their own wives and daughters deviate from the right path.” (p.38)

    Mentioned lines to show the sufferings of Hester where she suffered due to the society, alike theory is devoted that females also suffers due to the society. When Hester Prynne entered from prison door all community should angered on her because of her sin of adultery. All people talked about her sin and they said gave her punishment even killed her because of her sin which was against of Puritan society. 

    She held the kid tightly against her chest, causing the child to cry. She looked down at The Scarlet Letter and even touched it with her finger to confirm that the baby and the disgrace were real. Indeed, all of these realities that she formerly had were completely gone.” (p.44)

    Theory state’s that woman are suffering by the community, same like these are the difficulties of Hester’s life which she faced in the harsh Puritan society where she suffered in the community because of her guilt, always she cried and looked on her badge which is letter A on her heart and she touched with her fingers and talked with her on self said that shame and her little (Pearl) both were her realities of sin.

    "She proverb that due to the unique property of this concave mirror, The Scarlet Letter was reflected in an exaggerated and enormous size, making it the most prominent aspect of her appearance." (p.35)

    Feminists pointed that women are also suffering in the community due to the male dominancy.  Similarly Hester Prynne and her little “Pearl” visited “Governor Bellingham’s” house where Hester was standing on stage, and observed the strictness of puritan male dominancy  where the shining protective covering reflected on her heart particularly increased “The Scarlet Letter” (A). That “striking picture” encouraged the people to imagine about how, the importance of “The Scarlet Letter” overpowers Hester’s individuality, in its place of life form noticed as an individual. Hester has became not anything extra than a, walking sign, of her sin. Many times that just “thing” which all society noted that the confirmation of her guiltiness.

    "An interview like this might have been worse than meeting him as she did now, under the scorching midday sun, with her face burning and her shame illuminated by the red mark of disgrace on her chest, while holding her sinful newborn in her arms." (p.47)

    These lines to showed the Puritan male supremacy where the minister was badly behaved with Hester because of her sin, which the letter A always on her heart represented her sin and she suffered in the society due to her sin. And her little Pearl is symbol of her sin that people made her life inflexible which she suffered in community. Same like theory is talking about sufferings of woman which pointing that woman is also suffers due to the society.

    "The same perplexing question frequently emerged in her thoughts regarding the entire female population." Even the happiest among them found it difficult to acknowledge the value of existence, especially when it came to their own unique existence. She had previously made a firm decision against it and now regards the matter as settled. Although it may induce women to remain calm, a tendency towards speculating is present. Although it perplexes many, it also empowers her to speak. Before women to be granted a fair and proper position, it is necessary to fundamentally alter the inherent characteristics of the opposite sex or its deeply ingrained behaviors that have become second nature. Once all other obstacles have been eliminated, women will not be able to benefit from these initial reforms until they themselves have experienced an even more significant transformation. It is possible that the intangible core of her existence, where her most authentic life resides, may have dissipated.” (p.129)

    The above mentioned with the reference of womanhood, which gives acceptance to the movement of individual existence, which theory is fowling and become like nature that a woman’s seems and fair and suitable for, the difficulties to bare and society a “Hester” refines herself and have undergone with a change and she has her trust on life which evaporated the difficulties of life.

    "The crowd was in a state of chaos. The men of high status and importance who were standing closest to the clergyman were greatly surprised." The individuals were extremely confused about the meaning of what they witnessed. They were unable to comprehend the most obvious explanation and relied on Hester for support as they approached the scaffold. They climbed the steps while still holding the hand of Hester's illegitimate child.” (p.200-201)

    This statement show the positive aspect of Hester’s feminist where all people were gazing on her which she felt affrighted but, she was standing alone with her daughter Pearl against whole Puritan society for her punishment of adultery. And she was facing all public without fear, where all community was against of her sin of adultery but she demonstrated with her Scarlet Letter A and she was lived independently in harsh Puritan society. And also that the theory assert women live independently in the society like man.

    "Hester Prynne, even though she had to relinquish a prestigious position and stand beside you on your pedestal of shame, it would be preferable for her to do so rather than conceal a guilty heart throughout her life." What benefits have they provided for him other than enticing him?” (p.51)

    Theory  states that woman are live independently in the society like male, While these lines to showed the feminism of Hester  she was independently  stood upon the platform for her sin  she was facing whole community bravely which was against her she show the strong aspect of female where Dimmesdale look at her that  showed how he was troubled to declared his sin when he did not stood next to Hester on the platform she was capable to acknowledge the wrong she has completed that which made her strong  female in the harsh community.

    "Such a loss of faith is among the most lamentable consequences of all sin." Should it be regarded as proof that Hester Prynne herself was not the only unfortunate victim of her own infirmity, it is difficult to believe that no other mortal was as culpable as she was, according to the strict rule of men.” (p.66)

    This paragraph is all about the male dominancy of puritan culture, same like feminism is talked about the male domination that woman suffer in the society because of male supremacy. Where Hester Prynne suffered in the male dominated society, that all community was causing of her weakness and she was suffering alone which all time she thinking that no one like her where she was feeling guilty and shame in her life. She faced the hardships and difficulties because of her sin in the patriarchal system.

    “God gave me the child, she sobbed. In exchange for everything else you had taken from me, he gave her." Pearl maintains me here in life and punishes me, but she is also my happiness and my suffering. See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved and thus endowed with a million fold the power of vengeance for my sins. You won't steal her; I'll die first.” (p.87)

    This paragraph  states that how Hester Prynne suffered in her life, due to her child PEARL she  punished she faced a lot of difficulties and also she wore the symbol of adultery A on her bosom, these all difficulties because of her sin where all community hatred from her. Puritan people made her life harsh. She was having a lot of pain where she suffered in rigid society even though she wanted to die. Similarly feminists pointed that woman are also suffered in her life because of society which society do not give her chance to live their life on their own choice.

    "I started to feel depressed and fidgety, always snooping around in my head to see which of its negative qualities was still there. What level of loss had already been incurred by the remaining? To acknowledge the reality.” (p.30)

    From starting Hester Prynne suffered because of her adultery in the harsh Puritan community where all the time she was sad and uneasy, because of her sin which all the time reminded in her mind and effected on her personality. Where broke down her level in the community and due to her sin she suffered in the society, almost the same concept of feminist theory which states that woman are also suffers through the community.  Where Hester Prynne totally she was restless in this hygienic condition, she accepted her truth.

    Findings and Discussion

    This research has found out the sufferings of woman in the character of Hester Prynne through the novel “The Scarlet Letter (1851)” and also explored the factors of woman sufferings in the light of feminism. The study incorporated with the theoretical frame work of the radical feminist Morgan’s theory “Radical Feminism” (1992).

    The current study investigated the sufferings of woman in the character of Hester Prynne through the novel “The Scarlet Letter (1851)”. The sufferings of Hester started from beginning of the novel, when she stood in front of the all community for her punishment of adultery by holding her baby in her arms. People started blaming on her character different kind of punishment, one member of the community that said to fix The Scarlet Letter (A) on Hester’s forehead for her punishment of adultery. The study concluded that one of the prime factors for woman suffering is people around them because they consider that woman is less than them. More over Hester suffered due to the society where the crowd said that leave her to cover the mark of her that is cause of shame for us. Puritan society that caused of Hester’s suffering where she stood on scaffold all over the community they said to kill her because she brought shame upon us. Similarly the study concluded that Puritan society was also troublesome for women in their actions within the society they purposed different laws for women in Puritan area. She suffered in male dominated society where for men and for women social rights are different and for her punishment she lived in outside of society in small cottage. Hester suffered from the people regret, guilt and embarrassed that forced her to stand on scaffold and forced her to put on The Scarlet letter in her whole life. She was victimized by harsh community to put on the letter” (A) as a sentence which caused her life. Similarly present study concluded that the roles of society are also the cause of female sufferings.

     However the present study explored the factors of woman suffering in the light of feminism. According to radical feminism women suffered due to the society. Same like present study concluded that woman suffered in the society because for both man and woman social rights are different. Woman suffered because of patriarchal system as a result   suppressed by man, also the current study concluded that one of the main factors of woman suffering is patriarchal system and it’s surrounding. Culture shows the identity of individuals. Present study highlighted that woman also suffered due to culture constraints. The factor of woman suffering that social rules are imposed on woman whom they do not live independently in their lives, present study concluded that social rules also factors of woman sufferings. Woman sufferings in the community that lake of social rights, which do not give them opportunity to making their own decisions and living a standard life, they are not considered completely human they are views just as a servant and slaves by giving them low value compare to man in the society. Similarly current study concluded that the lacks of social rights are also the factor of woman sufferings in the society. As female oppressed by their identity both in existence and status, same like present study concluded that woman suffered with their status in the society and the physical state of mind that is not accepted by the man dominated society.


    Women around the world face the problems in which the sufferings in sex, slavery, and low value in the society and do not give them opportunity to live their life by their own choices.

    Present study concluded that there are a lot of factors of women are sufferings which they suffer by the lack of social rights in the society. Another factor of female suffering that woman undergo in male dominated society. Patriarchal system is the main factor of female distress, where male is supremacy in all over the society. And also woman suffered due to the social roles which imposed on them in the community.

    According to the “Radical Feminism (1970)” woman undergo due to the society and the culture also the cause of female sufferings which reflects through society and patriarchy woman oppressed by man, they do not give them importance compare to man in the society.


    Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel “The Scarlet Letter (1851)” is American novel before this study researchers worked on this novel from several aspects. Future researchers can study book “The Scarlet Letter (1851)” from the viewpoint of exploitations of humanity unending struggle with guilt, sin and pride. Researchers of English literature can study the fiction novel “The Scarlet Letter” as a tragic play. It can also be compared with writing style of American literature in contemporaries. Future researchers can work on the novel “The Scarlet Letter (1851)” with structuralism and discourse analysis. 


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  • Hawthorne, N. (1851). The Scarlet Letter: A Romance.

  • Johansson
  • Johnson, C. D. (2009). Women’s issues in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Greenhaven Publishing.

  • Khan
  • Li
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  • Mackay, F. (2015). Radical Feminism: Feminist Activism in Movement. Springer.

  • Morgan, R. (1978). Going too far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist. New York

  • Thomson, L. C. (2011). “A moral wilderness”: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.

  • Wang
  • Xue
  • Baym, N. (1949). "Melodramas of Beset Manhood: How Theories of Amer- ican Fiction Exclude Women Writers." American Quarterly, 33, 123-3.

  • Becker

  • Hawthorne, N. (1851). The Scarlet Letter: A Romance.

  • Johansson
  • Johnson, C. D. (2009). Women’s issues in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Greenhaven Publishing.

  • Khan
  • Li
  • Long
  • Mackay, F. (2015). Radical Feminism: Feminist Activism in Movement. Springer.

  • Morgan, R. (1978). Going too far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist. New York

  • Thomson, L. C. (2011). “A moral wilderness”: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.

  • Wang
  • Xue

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    CHICAGO : Rukhsar, , and Gul Khanda. 2023. "A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism." Global Language Review, VIII (III): 16-27 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-III).03
    HARVARD : RUKHSAR. & KHANDA, G. 2023. A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism. Global Language Review, VIII, 16-27.
    MHRA : Rukhsar, , and Gul Khanda. 2023. "A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism." Global Language Review, VIII: 16-27
    MLA : Rukhsar, , and Gul Khanda. "A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism." Global Language Review, VIII.III (2023): 16-27 Print.
    OXFORD : Rukhsar, and Khanda, Gul (2023), "A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism", Global Language Review, VIII (III), 16-27
    TURABIAN : Rukhsar, , and Gul Khanda. "A Critical Study of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter through the Lens of Radical Feminism." Global Language Review VIII, no. III (2023): 16-27. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-III).03