A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad
This study made an effort to achieve the goals of the study, which were to define the word formation and meanings of the military jargon used in the book Untold Tales of the Pakistan Air Force. The researcher has examined the lexical study of particular military jargon. By using the theoretical viewpoints of Gurage Yule (2010), this research intends to explain word formation and meanings via the lexical analysis of jargons and to discover the literal and associative meaning of chosen jargons used in Kamal Ahmad's book Untold Tales of the Pakistan Air Force. The study was conducted using a qualitative research approach. To accomplish the study goals, a variety of jargons were chosen through careful reading of the chosen book and thereafter analyzed in accordance with the models chosen. The research's conclusions reveal the uses and meanings of many distinct military jargons. It is important to note that several military jargon phrases have various interpretations; the military utilizes associative meanings, whilst the public interprets terms literally.
Jargon, Lexical Analysis, Word Formation, Literal Meaning, Associative Meaning
(1) Ijaz ul Haq
MPhil, Department of Applied Linguistics, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Zafar Iqbal Bhutti
Associate Professor, School of English, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
(3) Muhammad Alamgir
MPhil, Department of Applied Linguistics, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Haq, I. u., Bhutti, Z. I., & Alamgir, M. (2023). A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad. Global Language Review, VIII(II), 382-399. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).31
CHICAGO : Haq, Ijaz ul, Zafar Iqbal Bhutti, and Muhammad Alamgir. 2023. "A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad." Global Language Review, VIII (II): 382-399 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).31
HARVARD : HAQ, I. U., BHUTTI, Z. I. & ALAMGIR, M. 2023. A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad. Global Language Review, VIII, 382-399.
MHRA : Haq, Ijaz ul, Zafar Iqbal Bhutti, and Muhammad Alamgir. 2023. "A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad." Global Language Review, VIII: 382-399
MLA : Haq, Ijaz ul, Zafar Iqbal Bhutti, and Muhammad Alamgir. "A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad." Global Language Review, VIII.II (2023): 382-399 Print.
OXFORD : Haq, Ijaz ul, Bhutti, Zafar Iqbal, and Alamgir, Muhammad (2023), "A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad", Global Language Review, VIII (II), 382-399
TURABIAN : Haq, Ijaz ul, Zafar Iqbal Bhutti, and Muhammad Alamgir. "A Lexical Analysis of Jargons in the Book Untold Tales of Pakistan Air Force by Kamal Ahmad." Global Language Review VIII, no. II (2023): 382-399. https://doi.org/10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-II).31