Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of this study was to explore the students' attitudes toward learning English as a second language in Pakistan at the secondary school level during the COVID-19 pandemic. A quantitative research design was adopted for research and a descriptive research method was used for the research study because the descriptive research method was used to explain the attribute and characteristics of the population. Pakistan was considered as the population for the whole research but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to select the whole population the study concluded that educational institutions have adequate knowledge of the pandemic threat and the situation of unexpected illness transmission. Friends enjoy English learning; friends believe that learning English is not essential; friends believe that English is difficult; friends think that studying English helps them progress in other areas of study, and friends motivate each other to improve their English during COVID-19. The study recommends that if students had the technology, they would not panic. Thus, technology may be used in general classes also.
Attitude, English Learning, Peer Group
(1) Muhammad Qasim Ali
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
(2) Rashid Minas Wattoo
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Sialkot, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Fakhar ul Zaman
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Narowal, Narowal, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Ali, M. Q., Wattoo, R. M., & Zaman, F. u. (2023). Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Language Review, VIII(I), 162-173.
CHICAGO : Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Rashid Minas Wattoo, and Fakhar ul Zaman. 2023. "Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Language Review, VIII (I): 162-173 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).16
HARVARD : ALI, M. Q., WATTOO, R. M. & ZAMAN, F. U. 2023. Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Language Review, VIII, 162-173.
MHRA : Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Rashid Minas Wattoo, and Fakhar ul Zaman. 2023. "Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Language Review, VIII: 162-173
MLA : Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Rashid Minas Wattoo, and Fakhar ul Zaman. "Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Language Review, VIII.I (2023): 162-173 Print.
OXFORD : Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Wattoo, Rashid Minas, and Zaman, Fakhar ul (2023), "Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic", Global Language Review, VIII (I), 162-173
TURABIAN : Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Rashid Minas Wattoo, and Fakhar ul Zaman. "Attitude to English Learning: A Study of Peer Group Influences during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Global Language Review VIII, no. I (2023): 162-173.