15 Pages : 166-179      10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).15      Published : Mar 2022

Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages

    It has been an interesting field for researchers of language to find out ways to acquire a language efficiently and effectively. The last few decades have been critically important from the viewpoint of enunciation of theories on the acquisition of language. Some pioneers of linguistics have strive to bring forth certain factors which are conducive to accelerating the acquisition of a language. Though in recent decades, the acquisition theories have evolved and have assumed new shapes, however, all of them stand defined against the theoretical frameworks projected by B.F Skinner and Noam Chomsky. It has also been established that for the acquisition of language, one has to undergo the specific process of stepping ahead stage-wise before one acquires efficiency in speech and script. The study in hand incorporates to determine the milestones in the way of acquisition of language.

    English Language, Theory, Language Acquisition
    (1) Hafiz Abdul Majid Masood
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Bahawalnagar Campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Rashida Rani
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Bahawalnagar Campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
    (3) Safura Fatima
    PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. 2022. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII (I): 166-179 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).15
    HARVARD : MASOOD, H. A. M., RANI, R. & FATIMA, S. 2022. Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages. Global Language Review, VII, 166-179.
    MHRA : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. 2022. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII: 166-179
    MLA : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 166-179 Print.
    OXFORD : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rani, Rashida, and Fatima, Safura (2022), "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages", Global Language Review, VII (I), 166-179
    TURABIAN : Masood, Hafiz Abdul Majid, Rashida Rani, and Safura Fatima. "Language Acquisition Theories, Process and its Stages." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 166-179.