16 Pages : 151-162      10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).16      Published : Sep 2020

Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour

    The present research explores Pakistani ESL learners' voluntary language learning behaviour. It excludes references to ubiquitous and almost rampant online teaching-learning behaviour caused by the recent global pandemic—COVID-19. A questionnaire containing closed-ended questions was used to collect the data. Cronbach's Alpha test was used to check the reliability of the questionnaire, whereas the validity of the questionnaire was examined by using the Item-Total Correlation Test and Inter-Item Correlation Test. A regression test was conducted to test the current research work hypotheses. Regression results suggest that the following factors urge the learners to benefit from the Internet to learn English. The data analysis and results reveal important information related to learner-psychology. (a) The attitude of Pakistani learners towards Internet-based language learning is positive. (b) The Internet's perceived usefulness urges Pakistani learners to learn English. (c) Learners can afford digital gadgets and money to buy Internet data

    ESL Learners, Internet, Online Language Learning Behaviour
    (1) Muhammad Amjad
    PhD Scholar, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Riaz Hussain
    Head, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Sadaf Siddiq
    PhD Scholar, Department of English Linguistics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Amjad, M., Hussain, R., & Siddiq, S. (2020). Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour. Global Language Review, V(III), 151-162.
    CHICAGO : Amjad, Muhammad, Riaz Hussain, and Sadaf Siddiq. 2020. "Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour." Global Language Review, V (III): 151-162 doi: 10.31703/glr.2020(V-III).16
    HARVARD : AMJAD, M., HUSSAIN, R. & SIDDIQ, S. 2020. Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour. Global Language Review, V, 151-162.
    MHRA : Amjad, Muhammad, Riaz Hussain, and Sadaf Siddiq. 2020. "Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour." Global Language Review, V: 151-162
    MLA : Amjad, Muhammad, Riaz Hussain, and Sadaf Siddiq. "Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour." Global Language Review, V.III (2020): 151-162 Print.
    OXFORD : Amjad, Muhammad, Hussain, Riaz, and Siddiq, Sadaf (2020), "Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour", Global Language Review, V (III), 151-162
    TURABIAN : Amjad, Muhammad, Riaz Hussain, and Sadaf Siddiq. "Pakistani ESL Learners on the Internet: Explorations into Factors Influencing their Online Language Learning Behaviour." Global Language Review V, no. III (2020): 151-162.