Published : Mar 2022
Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes
The purpose of this study is to investigate learners' perspectives on language of teaching in English classrooms at the University of AJK, Jhelum valley campus. It is an attempt to ascertain the learners' perceptions about the need of first language (L1) in classrooms. The research study was designed to be a case study in which quantitative data gathering methods were used. The participants were 98 students randomly selected from the English department except first semester. A learners’ questionnaire was used to gather information.The outcomes of study have revealed learners supported the use of Urdu in English classrooms. Students thought that Urdu could be used often in English classrooms.
Learners' Perception, Teachers' Perception, L1 (Urdu), L2 (English), Usage of L1
(1) Zohaib Ahmad
MPhil Scholar, Department of English, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
(2) Qudsia Ishaq
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
(3) Aneela Ejaz
MPhil. Scholar, Department of English, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Ahmad, Z., Ishaq, Q., & Ejaz, A. (2022). Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes. Global Language Review, VII(I), 155 - 165.
CHICAGO : Ahmad, Zohaib, Qudsia Ishaq, and Aneela Ejaz. 2022. "Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes." Global Language Review, VII (I): 155 - 165 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).14
HARVARD : AHMAD, Z., ISHAQ, Q. & EJAZ, A. 2022. Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes. Global Language Review, VII, 155 - 165.
MHRA : Ahmad, Zohaib, Qudsia Ishaq, and Aneela Ejaz. 2022. "Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes." Global Language Review, VII: 155 - 165
MLA : Ahmad, Zohaib, Qudsia Ishaq, and Aneela Ejaz. "Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 155 - 165 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmad, Zohaib, Ishaq, Qudsia, and Ejaz, Aneela (2022), "Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes", Global Language Review, VII (I), 155 - 165
TURABIAN : Ahmad, Zohaib, Qudsia Ishaq, and Aneela Ejaz. "Students' Attitude and Perceived Needs towards the use of L1 in English Classes." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 155 - 165.