The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse
This paper aims to offer a dialectical view of Utopia and utopian impulse in utopian theory. Politically, Utopia is associated with a reductionist leftist politics which overlooks essential human diversity and psycho-social conflicts by imposing harmony and progress through implicit violence. In aesthetic representation, Utopia is seen as an ideal society which offers a glorious transformation of mankind living in a society free of wants and conflicts. However, Utopian theory is essentially different from such meta narratives about Utopia and its pr-axis. Instead of focusing on the political or aesthetic concept of Utopia, it brings forth a dialectical analysis of Utopia and Utopian impulse to understand its aesthetic, political and theoretical dimensions. This paper claims that the utopian impulse is the central subtext of diverse utopian manifestations, which offers a narrative of critique and a continual process of theoretical sublimation and pursuit of an ideal society free of systemic ills.
Communitarianism, Dialectics, Literary Utopia, Marxism, Utopia, Utopian Impulse.
(1) Muhammad Mahmood Ahmad
Shaheen Assistant Professor, Department of English, Government Sadiq Egerton Graduate College, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Sohail Ahmad Saeed
Assistant Professor, Department of English Literature, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Ahmad Naeem
Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan
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APA : Ahmad, M. M., Saeed, S. A., & Naeem, A. (2022). The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse. Global Language Review, VII(I), 180-189.
CHICAGO : Ahmad, Muhammad Mahmood, Sohail Ahmad Saeed, and Ahmad Naeem. 2022. "The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse." Global Language Review, VII (I): 180-189 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).16
HARVARD : AHMAD, M. M., SAEED, S. A. & NAEEM, A. 2022. The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse. Global Language Review, VII, 180-189.
MHRA : Ahmad, Muhammad Mahmood, Sohail Ahmad Saeed, and Ahmad Naeem. 2022. "The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse." Global Language Review, VII: 180-189
MLA : Ahmad, Muhammad Mahmood, Sohail Ahmad Saeed, and Ahmad Naeem. "The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 180-189 Print.
OXFORD : Ahmad, Muhammad Mahmood, Saeed, Sohail Ahmad, and Naeem, Ahmad (2022), "The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse", Global Language Review, VII (I), 180-189
TURABIAN : Ahmad, Muhammad Mahmood, Sohail Ahmad Saeed, and Ahmad Naeem. "The Dialectics of Utopia and Utopian Impulse." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 180-189.