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APA : Khan, S., & Sheikh, A. R. (2022). Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University. Global Language Review, VII(I), 11 - 22.
CHICAGO : Khan, Shaukat, and Adnan Rashid Sheikh. 2022. "Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University." Global Language Review, VII (I): 11 - 22 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).02
HARVARD : KHAN, S. & SHEIKH, A. R. 2022. Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University. Global Language Review, VII, 11 - 22.
MHRA : Khan, Shaukat, and Adnan Rashid Sheikh. 2022. "Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University." Global Language Review, VII: 11 - 22
MLA : Khan, Shaukat, and Adnan Rashid Sheikh. "Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 11 - 22 Print.
OXFORD : Khan, Shaukat and Sheikh, Adnan Rashid (2022), "Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University", Global Language Review, VII (I), 11 - 22
TURABIAN : Khan, Shaukat, and Adnan Rashid Sheikh. "Instructors Tackling Grammar Issues in an Integrated English language teaching program at ELC in Umma Al-Qura University." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 11 - 22.