Authored by : SaminaYasmin , Sarfraz , ShahbazKhalid

05 Pages : 50-58


    This research examines how hate speech affects individuals and constructs the character of all ages. To explain the negative consequences that internet connections today have on people's mental health, this literature study makes an effort to analyse the psychological standpoint from which Syahid Muhammad's character Fatih is written in the novel Egosentris. This study employed literary psychology and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory to analyse character development and inner struggle based on Nurgiyantoro's character theory (2007). Literature often references psychoanalytic theory's id, ego, and superego. The analysis included separating, categorising, interpreting, inferring, and verifying for accuracy. According to the study, Fatih is an empathetic, honest, self-aware, and critical character in Egosentris. Although it was found that Fatih's personality occasionally exhibited negative traits including stubbornness, spite, and a bad temper. The internal conflict that Fatih was going through is described in this article as involving his anger, fear, dread, remorse, pressure, and resentment. He has become more tolerant and gregarious as a result of his encounters with this kind of mental suffering. The study's conclusions, which are based on a psychological assessment of Fatih's personality, are intended to decrease the frequency of damaging speech and raise awareness of the need of paying attention to people's mental health.

    Key Words

    Psychoanalytic, Character Construction, Mental Conflict, Inner Turmoil


    In this scenario, character development is crucial, and readers will value the author's meticulous attention to detail as she develops her characters via numerous story elements. The main characters in a novel will always be the focus of discussion, regardless of the author's success or failure in creating a compelling character. The protagonist may face a number of challenges in a variety of locales, depending on the author. Additionally, the character might work as a vehicle for the writer to convey ideas and evoke reactions from the reader, both favourable and unfavourable. A study of the psychological impact of reading different literary works is known as literary psychology. By using specific psychological concepts from the subject of literary studies, you may be able to obtain more from a book. Literary psychology is the study of literature from a psychological point of view. (Ahmadia, A. 2020).

     Author, character, and audience psychology are the three main techniques to analyse psychology and literature. Literary psychology examines authors, characters, and readers. Syahid Muhammad applies literary psychology to Fatih, the primary character of Egosentris. Psychoanalysis by Freud and characterisation by Nurgiyantoro complement this descriptive study( Riyanti, A.,2021)

    People are divided into one of three main personality types by psychoanalyst Freud (1923). The id, the ego, and the superego make up the psyche. In the meanwhile, Nurgiyantoro's characterization theory will focus on Fatih. He has a few more characteristics that make him stand out whether he's the protagonist or the antagonist.

    Figures that are neutral, typical, have an evolvable or basic personality, are round, or are static. Regarding the book being discussed, Egosentris, written by Syahid Muhammad, was published in March 2018. Despite the economic success of the two novels Syahid co-wrote with Stefani Bella, Egosentris is the first one to bear his name. Egosentris, according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), is the act of placing oneself in the centre of one's thoughts or actions (value everything from the point of yourself). The narrative addresses a significant social issue that has an impact on people's psyches and identities. The author of Egosentris, Syahid Muhammad, also wrote a lot of beautiful poems and pieces of prose, all of which are rich with meanings, some of which are just hinted at or implied. Egosentris focuses on three dysfunctional psychology students (Nursafira,2019).

    Saka's cheerful attitude on life is sometimes misconstrued, Fana's parents micromanage her and she inherited her grandmother's supernatural talents, and Fatih's critical criticism of the things that bother him is often transformed into comedy by his college classmates. This work is criticised only because of these people. This article will focus on Fatih, one of the three characters. His strong personality and upbringing have shaped his warped vision and communication style. When apprehensive, Fatih, a critic, puts his right hand beneath his left armpit. The book's shocking ending revealed that Fatih had been tormenting himself since his father's death. Locking himself in his chamber and shaving the underside of his left arm disguised his depression. Fatih struggled (Chen, J. 2007).

    Research Objectives 

    To Explore the inner turmoil by way of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and literary psychology.

    To explore the creation of characters using the framework provided by Nurgiyantoro's characterization theory.

    To investigate Syahid Muhammad's Egosentris and its portrayal of Fatih's character construction

    Research Questions

    How does Nurgiyantoro's characterization theory influence on our understanding of character development?

    What role does Fatih's portrayal play in Syahid Muhammad's Egosentris?

    What are the impacts of thinking conflict on a character's personality?

    Research Methodology

    Literary psychology is used in this examination of Fatih's personality in Syahid Muhammad's novel Egosentris. For a more thorough explanation, this descriptive character analysis depends on the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and the characterization theory of Nurgiyantoro. Data gathering for analysis goes through a number of steps, interpreting, inferring, and validating. In the book Egosentris, Fatih engages in a categorization process, which is the sorting or gathering of information based on predetermined categories in accordance with the purpose of the investigation, character types, and psychological tensions. A summary t is compiled and used to provide an indication of the topic under discussion. Literary psychology is based on Freud's psychoanalysis and Nurgiyantoro's characterisation theory. Inference concludes data analysis. Translating this material from Indonesian to English will make things simpler. Study and discussion conclusions are next. Reading the book several times resolves anomalies in prior readings, ensuring the accuracy of this study's results.

    Literature Review

    Saka and Fana discovered Fatih's voice of sorrow, agony, and farewell on his walkman in his room and realised he too intended to commit himself to Mount Prau( Anzieu, D. 1986). Despite having to be hospitalised, the story ends nicely with Fatih being saved. the reason for the author's compulsion to communicate it also Egosentris is a fantastic approach to describe the world as it is right now. 

    Sriastuti, (2022) explores that people's awareness of mental health is deteriorating with time, which is a reflection of both the current global situation and the book Egosentris' applicability to it. Many people think it's still taboo to talk about one's mental health. However, a lot of people are unaware of it and live with it. Bullying, violence, and other triggering situations typically start in the person's local environment. Many are sad, anxious, and suicidal. According to the World Health Organization, suicide was the leading cause of death for 15-29-year-olds in 2015. (WHO). We think they thought suicide was their only option.

    Kalb,(2007).probes that how Syahid Muhammad uses social media in real life. People seldom use their social media accounts just to boast about how amazing their lives are as if they wanted everyone to think that they had no troubles at all. Social media is being weaponized against those who might not have a steel will to tolerate criticism, which is alarming. It is hoped that this essay will assist readers in understanding the value of maintaining an open mind and showing compassion for others without allowing their own prejudices to stand in the way.

    Research Gap

    I did a literature review on Egosentris (2018) by Syahid Muhammad and was unable to find any other works that were as thematically, theoretically, and argumentatively engaging. I did, however, find numerous examples of work relating to Sigmund Freud and Nurgiyantoro's characterization theory, but nothing else that was particularly relevant to my selected work.

    Discussion and Analysis

    Fatih worries about the old cireng vendor he encountered at a busy crossing, as shown above. Id advised Fatih to make the elderly cireng seller happy when they met. Sigmund Freud believed the pleasure principle controlled mental growth. We want instant gratification. Thus, Fatih gave the elderly guy 50,000 rupiah without asking for change. Fatih was thrilled to observe the old man's gratitude for the food. 

    "It seemed as though the frost on his usually frigid expression had vanished, to be replaced by a blaze of joy and adoration. He doesn't resemble Fatih, as Saka claims to have seen him ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 115 ). 

    Fatih meets the criteria for a significant player, as defined by the concept of character development that takes into account the significance of a character's presence in the story. The protagonist of a book is its main character. The main characters in certain stories observe every scenario and never rule out the possibilities. Additionally, Fatih is the main character. Protagonists are crucial to stories because they develop storylines, show readers who is morally superior, and elicit adoration. The plot is successful when the protagonist demonstrates a quality that matches the reader's expectations and viewpoint. An individual's intrinsic sensitivity is influenced by their genes, brain chemistry, and psychological feelings. Additionally, there is evidence that connects the sensitivity theories of attachment theorists and psychoanalysis to actual experiences (Fonagy, 1999). See how sensitive Fatih is by reading the dialogue excerpt below.

    "No, that's not how it works at all; can you remember who was selling cireng this afternoon at the crossroads? When I eventually got there, seeing his delighted face after getting my money made me want to cry. I'm not sure how to put it into words, but the closest equivalent I can think of is. Anyway, just know that he's had a difficult life, and that makes me sad if you don't have to. However, I am unable to let go of this burden ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 115 ). 

    The talk Fatih had with his buddy Saka sheds light on Fatih's sympathetic nature. Daniel Goleman describes empathy as "the capacity to connect with and share the experiences of individuals around one" in his book Emotional Intelligence. Because of his ability to empathise, Fatih was able to feel the old man's happiness as though he were in the same predicament. Fatih also possesses the quality of tenacity. When others give their advice, stubborn individual decides to disregard it in favour of acting in their own best interests. As seen in the following conversation between Fatih and his friend Saka ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 121 ). 

    This section makes it evident that Saka felt irritated with Fatih's persistent attempts to start needless arguments with him as they were travelling to Dieng. In order to climb Mount Prau with Saka and Fana, Fatih bowed out. The argument between them erupted because Saka was enraged by Fatih's reasoning. Saka believed that Fatih ignored his attempts to lessen the man's sorrow. Contrary to a protagonist who shows off their best traits, Fatih evolves into a stubborn and self-centred individual in accordance with characterisation standards. Typically, protagonists aren't the good guys. The adversarial behaviour of a character in a novel may be the source of the book's tension. The antagonist of the narrative serves as an example of the antagonist.

    ‘I never once thought I would be taken care of. If you genuinely believe I'm a problem to you, try not caring about me, as you always claimed you wouldn't. Simple” ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 290). 

    Fatih has a reputation for being quite stubborn. He will not try to refute Saka's logic because he is a good debater and hates losing. Id in Fatih encourages him to maintain his viewpoint since it is vital and he continuously wants to win his argument (selfishly). Fatih has a strong sense of judgement. 

    "Fatih was asking irrational questions and his mind was racing. Nobody else shared his notion about the value of people. Regarding arrogance in one's own ability to talk and act, without consideration for other people's feelings. relating to the dissemination and exaltation of truths through social media ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 290). 

    The ability to think rationally, including the ability to analyse, organise, defend a position, compare, make conclusions, evaluate arguments, and solve problems, is crucial (Chance, 1986). Fatih still ponders what it means to be a decent human being today. He is a sensitive individual who is easily affected by offensive comments. People who generalise about other people's life in broad strokes without researching their background or taking into account the possible negative repercussions of their statements. As Mrs Asni discusses a suicide video case that went popular on social media, Fatih, a professor of mental health, offers Mrs Asni some critical input.

    "We need preventative actions, such as creating advertisements or campaigns, to decrease the significant impact from the activities that people who share the video seldom see," ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 26). 

    Fatih prioritises video disseminator repair. Thus, Fatih may assess his options and think outside the box, indicating critical thinking. Fatih did not denounce the video's circulator or suggest harsh punishment. Fatih seeks a better solution. Fatih considered the issue and solved it out of pride. Egos develop from the id. Retribution is one of Fatih's many flaws. One purpose for revenge is to injure someone emotionally. He hated Sobirin because he was humiliated and bullied every time he sold cassava at school, like Fatih. After Fatih's father died and his mother's cosmetics company closed, the family started a cassava chip business.

    Fatih exited the stall. He was forced to go home. Despite face injury, Fatih's coffers may remain deep. As his uniform shirt buttons fell undone, his bleeding elbows and knees and pounding heart were on show. ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 53). 

    Fatih was wrongfully accused of hitting Sobirin before his school's BK instructor. Fatih's heart aches at the thought. Fatih's high school buddies mocked him for selling cassava chips. A book story.

    In high school, hardly one gave him a break. The cassava chips on him keep the jokes going. Fatih often helps his mother make breakfast, and a buddy said his perspiration smelled like scorched cassava. ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 88). 

    The subsequent narrative shows how Fatih's bitterness increased as he observed the severe treatment he endured from various people. till there is no more opportunity for retaliation. He is a vengeful beast. fed by the tears of a shattered heart. Why must his friends troll him so often? This urge for retribution still exists today. Perhaps justice didn't want to leave Fatih's warm breast. He can't figure out how to get rid of it, but he also can't.

    His heart is brimming with hatred right now. Fatih had previously harboured some resentment for a small number of his former employees. The prevalence of hate in society is rising, and it is having an impact on many aspects of life.

    “He's ever read on social media. He couldn't type anymore in his diary; his hand was too worn out from the day's activity ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 93). 

    According to two accounts, Fatih has suffered unspeakable suffering at the hands of his fellow residents, who have mocked, abused, and even killed him. In accordance with the reality principle, Fatih's ego interprets this as a call to action to try to alleviate the suffering he is experiencing. Fatih intends to get revenge on those who have wronged him. But Fatih may also lose his temper. He loses his temper and becomes irritable when he becomes agitated. The excerpt that answers the questions above is given below.

    “When Fatih began behaving out, his two friends were unable to control him. He received a beating from everything about the kitchen. They let go of his body before grabbing him once again. Fatih did not want to see the man in the middle of the crowd who was covered in a shroud, so he turned his head away. ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 212). 

    According to Sigmund Freud, emotions are just the negative id system in action. Given the very terrible circumstances of his mother's death and the aforementioned narrative excerpt, it is clear that Fatih's rage over her passing is out of control. It served as a therapeutic release for Fatih's sadness, hatred, and other emotions to destroy everything around him. Repressed thoughts of resentment trigger the emotion of wrath. Being honest entails never telling a lie or deceiving others with your words. Fatih's mother discovered the reason their profits were always lower than anticipated after selling cassava chips for two years: they were consistently losing money.

    Fatih hummed as the blood-red medicine dribbled over his wounds. Nevertheless, he was happy with his lot in life. Fatih has been without a mother's birthday present for the past two years due to financial constraints. Fatih may use the money to treat his mother to something nice because his original contribution hasn't been depleted ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 312). 

    People have a psychological system called a superego that reflects society's standards and makes them aware of their moral duties as evidence for this attribute. The proceeds from chip sales were never taken by or used by Fatih. Being truly concerned and caring for someone else is an act of dedication. Fatih'sThe talk he had with his friend about his love for Viona is shown in the example that follows.

    I want to be the one who intervenes to help when I notice a young woman whose family is struggling. When people give me some autonomy to help them, it makes me happy. There is a place where I can help that is on my route. However, Viona frequently annoys me. Thank God, it wasn't for the things Saka complained about. ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 91). 

    Fatih's superego motivates his adoration for Viona despite the fact that their broken family background. As Viona's partner, Fatih understood her emotions and took pleasure in hearing about her daily experiences and giving her wise counsel.

    Conflict is necessary for storylines to advance. If the protagonist or antagonist had true free will, they would not have chosen to acquire this lesson through struggle; whenever there is conflict in a novel, it is because they are discovering something negative about themselves or others (Meredith & Fitzgerald, 1972:27). The word "conflict," which is dramatic and denotes both action and reaction, refers to an armed battle between two equal sides (Wellek & Warren, 1989). The story's narrative and its issues are closely related to the characters' psyches and the experiences they have had in the story's environment.

    Conflict may be divided into three fundamental groups. First are internal conflicts, or psychological conflicts, that a character experiences. The protagonist must go through this internal conflict for the sake of development and subsequent decision-making. The second type of conflict is social conflict, which happens when an individual's internal issues and the conflicts they experience in their interpersonal connections converge. Third, conflicts involving the body or the elements, are often known as conflicts between nature and character.

    In Egosentris, Fatih is a nice character because he is dependable, honest, self-aware, and critical. There may be disagreement due to the broad variety of personality types. Fatih is an example of someone prone to depression because of his propensity for critical thought. Conflicts are impacted by personality factors, according to research. A wide range of unpleasant feelings, such as fury, anxiety, concern, fear, guilt, tension, irresponsibility, and resentment, plague Fatih.

    A response to rage is to physically express it or act out. A number of events set off Fatih's internal turmoil, which makes him experience several emotions at once, including anger, hopelessness, and elation. Fatih just does not have enough wrath. Fatih was once again enraged when he overheard their conversation. college friends on how much the newspaper article about his mother's passing struck out to them.

    Fortunately, Fatih's friends were unaware that one of the women who had been raped was really his mother. Then, Fatih, who was already agitated, swung angrily at Henri.

    "Fatih eventually stood up from his chair. His hands were squeezed as firmly as sternly as he could. Then, from behind, his blow struck Henri in the face. He continued getting his way because he wouldn't let Henri put up a fight. His hand veins were swollen up. Even after Henri had collapsed, he had little trouble defeating him. He had hands like a never-ending boxer pump.

    The example before shows how Fatih feels about his friends openly criticising and passing judgement on his mother. After Iurging, Fatih felt forced to vent his anger. Ds Henri received a serious blow right away. Even with Henri's bumps, Fatih left the pub. Due to his pride, Fatih challenged Henri, and his attempts to prevail in the battle were successful.

    At the moment, fear was Fatih's own problem. This time, a barrage of comments made on the internet in reaction to reports of suicides caused Fatih distress. This conversation is similar to confronting suicide head-on, but the replies are kind. The passage that follows is taken from the book.

    "Fatih's anxieties rendered him helpless. The intensity of the words he read caused his heart and lungs to simultaneously scream. Unlike the words of his friends surrounding him, this voice was more echoing and ripping at his conscience. Anger and fear act as powerful combinations to create conflict. ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 327). 

    The sensitive character feature of Fatih. He has a great sense of empathy and is sensitive to others' feelings. The issue of why it was so simple for people to publish offensive remarks online weighed heavily on Fatih's mind. Id in Fatih emphasises compassion and empathy because it is common for people to discuss and shame suicide victims. Hearing other people's responses to his acts made him worried that he could feel under pressure to commit suicide. Even yet, when he found out his depressed mother needed to be hospitalised, his fears returned. After the passing of his father, his mother underwent a drastic change. How his mother changed

    To greater quiet and sorrow. If knowledge of his mother's condition spreads, Fatih fears that he and his family will be the target of social justice.

    The previous sentence demonstrates Fatih's worry and trepidation about how people might respond if they learned that his mother was sad. When we talk about fear, we imply a sense of menace and unease. Fatih's ego inflated and he was horrified when he learned what other people thought of his mother. The next line reveals Fatih's worry since he doesn't believe there are any more good things in the world. The sample may be read here.

    "Life has gotten too scary for me. I'm sorry, but I just don't think the world is good. I really don't like the press. They were obviously delighted to harass me yesterday. They kept talking about my anguish and despair even after I requested them to stop. I understand that companies need money, but why take advantage of people's suffering? I'm utterly lost right now. I'm furious." ( Muhammad, 2018, p. 179). 

    External variables, such as the environment or the existence of a particularly challenging neighbour, might cause disappointment (Sehandi, 2014). A person may feel disappointed if his or her abilities—physical or mental—are insufficient to realise his or her goals or satisfy his or her motivation. Fatih internalises his displeasure with his current surroundings. As an illustration, Fatih experienced the death of his parents. His parents will be less inclined to show him affection as a result. When Fatih considers the challenges and disagreements he has encountered, his ego pushes him to emphasise those experiences. The following list of messages that Fatih left during the audio recording is complete.

    The final thing I can say is never presumed you know how much someone is hurting. You have no clue how it makes you feel; don't laugh off other people's troubles. Page 350–351 of excerpt 26 "You have no clue what other people have through in their life, or how difficult it is for them to keep up a presentable appearance.

    Id in Fatih cautions listeners of the potentially disastrous effects of adopting meaningless platitudes and neglecting the pain of others by appealing to the ego. Fatih's superego, which is based on moral ideals, drove him to speak out about this incident since it had a negative impact on his character and psychology. Nobody he cared about should have had to go through the same thing, he thought.

    If we're discussing characterization theory, Fatih is a really complex character. A complex character, in Abrams' opinion, is one who can be understood in all of his various guises (Nurgiyantoro, 2007).

    Fatih is an erratic character that may display a broad variety of qualities and behaviours from the very beginning to the very end of the novel in light of his past and the countless hardships he conquered. Fatih is a person who is also evolving with time. The characterization changes and develops in accordance with the storyline and pacing of the book.

    The encounters Fatih has with the people and things around him will determine his viewpoint, demeanour, and course of action. For instance, Fatih grew more reclusive and cherished his alone after the loss of his mother. He also struggled to control his emotions and had a short fuse. His mental health may be impacted by changes in his surroundings, as well as the effects of the people he knows and interacts with, which might cause changes in his personality and behaviour. Last but not least, if the story included real-life persons, Fatih is an example of a kind that may be mirrored in it. Characters that are more like real people or groups in society depict them more truthfully (Nurgiyantoro, 2007). The aforementioned excerpt, for instance, exemplifies Fatih's efforts to teach the reader a moral lesson, namely, to never neglect the opinions of others and to exercise prudence when commenting.


    Syahid Muhammad's novel Egosentris was analysed using Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Nurgiyantoro's characterisation theory. The Egosentris book demonstrates Fatih's ability to be understanding, honest, self-aware, and critical. In certain circumstances, Fatih's typical flaws—such as his stubbornness, vengeance, and short temper take on an unexpected quality. As a consequence of his mental suffering, Fatih had a personality shift.

    His internal and external conflicts are the cause of his erratic behaviour, which has bipolar-like mood swings. Additionally, Fatih exhibits the strange behaviour of clutching his left armpit into his body when he is depressed or insecure, which is compatible with a psychotic indication of these emotions. Egosentris makes the point that everyone should treat others with respect in all of their interpersonal dealings without ever using physical force. Additionally, people must be conscious of the urgent need to increase awareness of mental health concerns, especially among those closest to them.


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Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Yasmin, Samina, Sarfraz, and Shahbaz Khalid. 2023. "Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad." Global Language Review, VIII (I): 50-58 doi: 10.31703/glr.2023(VIII-I).05
    HARVARD : YASMIN, S., SARFRAZ. & KHALID, S. 2023. Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad. Global Language Review, VIII, 50-58.
    MHRA : Yasmin, Samina, Sarfraz, and Shahbaz Khalid. 2023. "Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad." Global Language Review, VIII: 50-58
    MLA : Yasmin, Samina, Sarfraz, and Shahbaz Khalid. "Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad." Global Language Review, VIII.I (2023): 50-58 Print.
    OXFORD : Yasmin, Samina, Sarfraz, , and Khalid, Shahbaz (2023), "Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad", Global Language Review, VIII (I), 50-58
    TURABIAN : Yasmin, Samina, Sarfraz, and Shahbaz Khalid. "Mental Conflict and Character Construction in "Egosentris" by Syahid Muhammad." Global Language Review VIII, no. I (2023): 50-58.