13 Pages : 155-169      10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).13      Published : Dec 2022

Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel

    Inter semiotic Translation is one of the most unexplored types of translation. It beholds the idea of translating verbal images into non-verbal ones. The author of this study has conducted this translation analysis and the main objective of this study is to see how, within the  medium of a film, linguistic and verbal elements are translated into the audio-visual imagery. The theoretical framework opted for this research belongs to the famous philosophical intellect of modern times. Jakobson’s (1959) theory of inter semiotic translations is considered as a model to analyse a particular movie. The data has been collected from the Korean movie Tunnel which was released in 2016. The movie is about the catastrophic incident of Tunnel collapsing. The methodology for this study is qualitative and within interpretive paradigm, the data of the film has been analyzed. The result of the study shows that the audio visual patterns of the movie stayed true to the linguistic aspect of the picture. There is no deviation between verbal and non-verbal elements and they seem to complement each other.

    Inter Semiotics, Translation Analysis, South Korean Movie, Tunnel
    (1) Abdul Bari Khan
    Faculty of language & Communication, Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak, Malaysia
    (2) Abeera Hassan
    Department of English Language and Literature, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Snober Zahra
    Department of English Language and Literature, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Khan, Abdul Bari, Abeera Hassan, and Snober Zahra. 2022. "Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel." Global Language Review, VII (IV): 155-169 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-IV).13
    HARVARD : KHAN, A. B., HASSAN, A. & ZAHRA, S. 2022. Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel. Global Language Review, VII, 155-169.
    MHRA : Khan, Abdul Bari, Abeera Hassan, and Snober Zahra. 2022. "Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel." Global Language Review, VII: 155-169
    MLA : Khan, Abdul Bari, Abeera Hassan, and Snober Zahra. "Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel." Global Language Review, VII.IV (2022): 155-169 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Abdul Bari, Hassan, Abeera, and Zahra, Snober (2022), "Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel", Global Language Review, VII (IV), 155-169
    TURABIAN : Khan, Abdul Bari, Abeera Hassan, and Snober Zahra. "Inter Semiotic Translation Analysis of South Korean Movie Tunnel." Global Language Review VII, no. IV (2022): 155-169.