12 Pages : 136- 147      10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).12      Published : Jun 2022

Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan

    Current Study analyzes the reconstruction strategies of identity adopted by the protagonist in City of spies by keeping the idea of self-fashioning by Greenblatt. The qualitative methodology has been used for analysis in the present research. The primary source of data is Sorayya Khan's novel City of Spies. Data analysis includes the self-fashioning of the protagonist according to the dominant culture of her surroundings.The researcher has analyzed the data related to self-fashioning and factors that promote the protagonist's self-fashioning and identity crisis, drawing upon Greenblatt's theory of self-fashioning. Greenblatt sees authority preserve identity and self-fashioning in society. Greenblatt believes in the powerful consequence of identity formation and self-fashioning.This current examination endeavors to see identity through the viewpoint of self-fashioning and its ensuing impact on awareness, prompting an identity formation of the protagonist.

    Self-Fashioning, Self-Identity, Cultural Identity, Postmodernism
    (1) Sajid Hussain
    Lecturer in English, Government Graduate College, Chowk Azam Layyah, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Ali
    Lecturer in English, Government Graduate College, Chowk Azam Layyah, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Ahmad Javed
    Lecturer in English, Kaims International Law College Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Hussain, Sajid, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ahmad Javed. 2022. "Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan." Global Language Review, VII (II): 136- 147 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).12
    HARVARD : HUSSAIN, S., ALI, M. & JAVED, M. A. 2022. Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan. Global Language Review, VII, 136- 147.
    MHRA : Hussain, Sajid, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ahmad Javed. 2022. "Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan." Global Language Review, VII: 136- 147
    MLA : Hussain, Sajid, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ahmad Javed. "Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 136- 147 Print.
    OXFORD : Hussain, Sajid, Ali, Muhammad, and Javed, Muhammad Ahmad (2022), "Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan", Global Language Review, VII (II), 136- 147
    TURABIAN : Hussain, Sajid, Muhammad Ali, and Muhammad Ahmad Javed. "Reconstructing Identity: Self-fashioning in City of Spies by Sorayya Khan." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 136- 147.