11 Pages : 120-132      10.31703/glr.2022(VII-III).11      Published : Sep 2022

The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences

    This study investigates the impact of corrective feedback on enhancing the student's ability to correctly use English conditional sentences. The study used a quasi-experimental design for data analysis. The data was collected from a sample of hundred students selected through a convenient sampling technique studying English in 9th class in English medium schools in Upper Dir. The homogeneous results of the control and experimental group in the pre-test before intervention and better performance in the post-test by the experimental group confirmed through t-tests showed a positive impact of explicit corrective feedback on learning English conditional sentences. A significant effect was seen on the experimental group suggesting that explicit corrective feedback is required for students at secondary to learn the complex structure of English. In light of the findings, it is suggested that explicit corrective feedback focuses on students' deficiencies and might increase their drive to learn more about their mistakes and correct themselves in time.

    Complex Structures, Corrective Feedback, English Conditionals, Explicit, Implicit
    (1) Khalid Shah
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Ghani Rahman
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Arif Khan
    M.Phil. Scholar, Department of English, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Shah, Khalid, Ghani Rahman, and Arif Khan. 2022. "The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences." Global Language Review, VII (III): 120-132 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-III).11
    HARVARD : SHAH, K., RAHMAN, G. & KHAN, A. 2022. The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences. Global Language Review, VII, 120-132.
    MHRA : Shah, Khalid, Ghani Rahman, and Arif Khan. 2022. "The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences." Global Language Review, VII: 120-132
    MLA : Shah, Khalid, Ghani Rahman, and Arif Khan. "The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences." Global Language Review, VII.III (2022): 120-132 Print.
    OXFORD : Shah, Khalid, Rahman, Ghani, and Khan, Arif (2022), "The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences", Global Language Review, VII (III), 120-132
    TURABIAN : Shah, Khalid, Ghani Rahman, and Arif Khan. "The Impact of Explicit Corrective Feedback on Learning English Conditional Sentences." Global Language Review VII, no. III (2022): 120-132.