Authored by : Aqsa Halepoto , Niaz Ahmed Bhutto , Inayatullah Kakepoto

22 Pages : 257-266


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    CHICAGO : Halepoto, Aqsa, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. 2022. "Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)." Global Language Review, VII (II): 257-266 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).22
    HARVARD : HALEPOTO, A., BHUTTO, N. A. & KAKEPOTO, I. 2022. Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Global Language Review, VII, 257-266.
    MHRA : Halepoto, Aqsa, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. 2022. "Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)." Global Language Review, VII: 257-266
    MLA : Halepoto, Aqsa, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. "Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 257-266 Print.
    OXFORD : Halepoto, Aqsa, Bhutto, Niaz Ahmed, and Kakepoto, Inayatullah (2022), "Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)", Global Language Review, VII (II), 257-266
    TURABIAN : Halepoto, Aqsa, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, and Inayatullah Kakepoto. "Educators' Perceptions Towards Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 257-266.