Authored by : Maliha Sarfraz , Amara Javed , Muhammad Iqbal

30 Pages : 373-385


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    APA : Sarfraz, M., Javed, A., & Iqbal, M. (2022). Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love". Global Language Review, VII(I), 373-385.
    CHICAGO : Sarfraz, Maliha, Amara Javed, and Muhammad Iqbal. 2022. "Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love"." Global Language Review, VII (I): 373-385 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-I).30
    HARVARD : SARFRAZ, M., JAVED, A. & IQBAL, M. 2022. Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love". Global Language Review, VII, 373-385.
    MHRA : Sarfraz, Maliha, Amara Javed, and Muhammad Iqbal. 2022. "Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love"." Global Language Review, VII: 373-385
    MLA : Sarfraz, Maliha, Amara Javed, and Muhammad Iqbal. "Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love"." Global Language Review, VII.I (2022): 373-385 Print.
    OXFORD : Sarfraz, Maliha, Javed, Amara, and Iqbal, Muhammad (2022), "Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love"", Global Language Review, VII (I), 373-385
    TURABIAN : Sarfraz, Maliha, Amara Javed, and Muhammad Iqbal. "Socio-Cultural and Historico-Political Crisis in Harris Khalique's "Between You and Your Love"." Global Language Review VII, no. I (2022): 373-385.