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APA : Azam, M., Ali, Z., & Shahida. (2022). Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis. Global Language Review, VII(II), 37 - 54.
CHICAGO : Azam, Muhammad, Zahid Ali, and Shahida. 2022. "Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis." Global Language Review, VII (II): 37 - 54 doi: 10.31703/glr.2022(VII-II).04
HARVARD : AZAM, M., ALI, Z. & SHAHIDA. 2022. Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis. Global Language Review, VII, 37 - 54.
MHRA : Azam, Muhammad, Zahid Ali, and Shahida. 2022. "Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis." Global Language Review, VII: 37 - 54
MLA : Azam, Muhammad, Zahid Ali, and Shahida. "Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis." Global Language Review, VII.II (2022): 37 - 54 Print.
OXFORD : Azam, Muhammad, Ali, Zahid, and Shahida, (2022), "Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis", Global Language Review, VII (II), 37 - 54
TURABIAN : Azam, Muhammad, Zahid Ali, and Shahida. "Subject-Verb Agreement in Lasi and English: A Morphosyntactic Analysis." Global Language Review VII, no. II (2022): 37 - 54.